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York University Announces Strategic Plan

York University launched its new strategic plan, "Seizing Our Future 2028," with approval from the Trustees at the recent meeting of the Board during YU's Homecoming weekend.

Capturing the momentum of increased enrollment, successful fundraising, and generous, ongoing support from its alumni and donor base, the University administration, led by President Sam Smith, sensed the perfect timing for a re-examination of the school's priorities, goals and measurements of success.  

"We praise God that York University is on the cusp of achieving previously unimaginable goals," stated Dr. Smith, who prompted the strategic planning process and made the presentation approved by the Board. “Now is the opportune time to build on a recent series of successful capital campaigns, campus improvements, endowment growth, and enrollment numbers that have defied national trends of student population downturns. Capping this is our recent move to university status."

The Board agreed, endorsing the strategic plan that will move York University forward in all areas during the coming years. The strategic plan emphasizes seven pillars as areas of focus: Student Success, Campus Improvement, Institutional Effectiveness, Faith Development, Employee Experience, Belonging and Diversity, and Community Engagement.

"Our Trustees stand in full support of Dr. Smith's new strategic plan for the immediate future of York University," Board Chair Wayne White stated. "Every aspect of the university will be challenged to be stronger and more effective in light of this new plan. We expect continued improvements in academic expansion, success in athletics and the arts, enhanced campus facilities, re-energized efforts in recruitment and retention and renewed emphasis in encouraging spiritual growth of our students."

While the announcement of the new strategic plan is immediate, the process by which it emerged has been in development over many months. Input for the vision of the future York University has come from the board, alumni, donors, students, faculty and staff, and community leaders.  

"This institution stands on a strong foundation of historical support and encouragement from sources both local and nationwide. The school has an amazing opportunity, in this moment, to seize our future," Smith added. “We could not be more excited about the future of York University."

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